Mercury Mosaics was an established and esteemed tile company when they brought in Rock Candy Media. They had a nice website, a consistent email strategy, and a strong social presence. Even with all that in place, there was room for improvement when it came to a digital marketing plan.

The challenge was to make a well-oiled marketing machine even more powerful. The good news is that an established digital marketing plan comes with historical data in the form of website, email, and social analytics. We knew that’s where we would find weaknesses in the system and room for improvement.

Ultimately, we conducted a thorough audit on their entire digital presence, then delivered creative and strategic solutions for how each channel could deliver more sales through an improved website. The changes most immediately noticed came from analysis of the website bounce rate. Marketing campaigns were linking to the site, but not always to the best performing pages. We identified the strongest site pages, and made sure every email blast and social post would send users to a page where they would be statistically less likely to leave the site.

The following month, we saw a 44% increase in site traffic, a 62% increase in site actions, and a 50% increase in total time users spent on the site.

We will let the client speak to the profound impact of this. Here is their email to us afterwards:

“Wow, very insightful and mindful… Such an intelligent plan and what a wealth to discover the 20% bounce rate on those pages. I’m blown away with your team’s ability to see these things and whole-heartedly can tell you RCM is the first team to give a damn like this.”